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Participantthe problem we are facing (atleast here in norway) is that too many drivers choose studless tires. thats good and all. since they don’t damage the roads so much and they don’t make as much dust..
however. the problem is, that since more and more are using them, the roads becomes extremly slippy. the studded tires dig into the hard snow/ice and make it less slipperey..
but that isn’t happening anymore
Participantisn’t this obvious?
perhaps its a bit more natural for us from the north.
I’m running Nokia Hakka 5 studded tires (they are getting old, 5 years old actually, but still works)
Participantits been a long time since i checked in here
life has its up and downs, i hit the “down” part very hard. but i’m climbing up again now.
The syncro passed the “MOT” with no remarks at all. not even a single lightbulb was out
i replaced the exhaust system with a new supersprint one. sounds great (as stock) but i can feel the car breaths better
the reardiff is almost out of oil, so it does not leak anymore
the door i mentioned is painted and polished. looked great (i say looked, because a fellow garagemate decided to paint some stuff, and he used enamel paint in a spraygun, and the overspray got stuck to my door, so that needs to be either repainted, or sanded down and repolished)
and i’ve replaced the small G60 Aircon intercooler with a rallye intercooler
so its getting there, getting better and better
and now i think the time has come to try to figure out why i don’t have any drive in reverse (relay in the centre console gets triggered when i put it in reverse, but nothing else happens)
so thats either down to dodgy wiring or leaky vacuum. does anyone have an electrical chart for the 02C reverse system?
Participantlove it!
this will be a fun car
Participantyes, you can remove it whilethe axle is still on the car
its a bit tight, but with some elbowgrease and a few well placed curse-words you will get it of
Participantlooking good
keep on with the updates. this has to be much hard work to fit it where its not supposed to go?
Participanthe has to replace the gearbox
the VR6 bellhousing is different from the 4cyl ones. and as far as i know, the rear diff has a different ratio aswell, so that has to be changed too
and i’ve never seen an “020” style gearbox for a vr6
i’ve got a passat G60 abs unit in my garage, along with the ecu, but no wiringloom, as that was totaly screwed ;(
Participantdamn, looking forward to this
dette tror jeg kan bli utrolig spennende og følge med på!
Participanthmm. won’t this be very nose heavy? since the engine now will come way to the front
Participanttorsen driverain? or pure rwd? i’m guessing quattro
Participantso, nothing has happend during the winter
and now i’m preparing the car for its MOT. leaky rear diff, and some leaky exhaust, but that should be just about it i hope
i have a 2 week sick leave from work because of surgery i had on monday, and after these 2 weeks, i got 3 weeks of vacation, so no work for me the next 4ish weeks
thinking of replacing the driver side door because of rust, ive got a door lying around. just need to get it painted and mounted
thats the situasion as of right now
Participantyou can put the central electric system into to categories, CE1 and CE2
CE1 is used on cars up to 89, and CE2 is from 89 to when the mark 4 came along (97/98)
same CE box on the Passat, Golf 2, Golf 3 and a shedload of other VAG producs from that era for more info
Participantgood for you
max speed here in norway is 100, and thats just for a few selected roads
mostly its max 80kph i’m afraid
Participanttold you
the old bushings was probably completly worn out i guess?