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MemberI’m down in Bournemouth, (south coast).
I guess it’s just the length of the pick up tube then which goes further into the tank.
Does anyone have a FI syncro lift pump for sale to save having to modify one please.toomanyprojects
Membernice to see you, to see you nice…..
Memberis the vr turbo going in the syncro? and have you had a quote on that beast?
Think you can get insurance that covers you on track days and the ring, probably 1 or 2 a year.
MemberI know that you only usually get what you pay for but has anyone tried these?|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318toomanyprojects
Memberat the moment mine has all standard mk3 vr6 suspension as i just swapped the lot over on the conversion. I know the rear is going to be too hard and the rear arb will need changing to 20mm version from reading posts on here.
The front maybe ok until i can afford coilovers, I suppose a track day is the best way to find out!
Be interesting to find out how you get on with the changestoomanyprojects
Membersounds about right. If i can find a circuit with just the two corners i’ll have a better chance.
Memberyou sure.. haha
it looks like a cunning plan to wait for the rain before going out!
I can’t wait just picked up my cage tonight £200 for a 6 point sparco second hand but never fitted.
The car now has all the vr6 running gear apart from the engine in which is being done by mik at mv so he can deal with the exhaust nightmare and i’ll hopefully be in your mirror at a track day soon.
You will know it’s me cause i havn’t addressed the handling department yet.toomanyprojects
Membernow that looks like fun! how much difference do you reckon the syncro system makes particularly there in the wet?
Memberbe good if they could, nobody likes to see grown men cry. Plus they have a wealth of knowledge to share.
ps thought I would put up a pic of me car how do you do it?toomanyprojects
MemberI check on here quite allot for info, don’t say too much out of fear!
MemberNice work, sounds like you have a load of work even before you start the conversion! I am nearing the end of a vr6 syncro conversion and i hope you have deep pockets!
MemberCheers for that Chris, i’ll keep an eye on it over the next couple of weeks and read up on how others have done it.
MemberCheers, the mobile web site has quite a few.
Is it the same sort of game with dealers as it is here are they open to offers on cars or do they expect the price advertised.Am I correct in thinking that the number plate is registered to the person and not the car so the car would need trailering back as opposed to being driven with no plate.
MemberSorry just re-read, I see you are able to get most items. Read twice, write once!
I am struggling to find this set up either as a cheep enough complete car or as bits, 2.9 engine through to rear discs. Any help either point me in the write direction or if your able to source would be great.
MemberChris with all your contacts do you ever see complete set ups for transplants?