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Participantthe abs wiring loom is now installed, mostly, need to make somekind of mounting for the ABS/EDS ECU underneath the rear seat somewhere
made myself a new hole, just left of the two thats for the engine and lighting looms. turned out great, but the wiring is few cm too long.
so, it does not look very good at the moment, and too bad i can’t move that grommet that is on the loom, if i could do that, i could pull the wiring more into the car
plenty of space inside the car for the loom
ParticipantSince I have to wait until after the new year has begun with ordering parts for my transmission, I thought that I might aswell fit the ABS unit and pedal assembly
it worked out great, all I had to do was to drill two new holes
and it all fitted like a glove
and remove a “welded in stud” underneath the dashboard
so, things are coming along now
still missing some parts like the IC and some other bits
Participantshould i get a new one? i doubt that it should be very expensive
p/n: 084 301 143 A
Participantsplitted the transmission yesterday.. good thing too, since i found the casing part that was chipped of due to the inner CV joint failing
heres the transaxle just ben opened (real pita btw)
heres the casing part that i found. good ting that didnt get into the gears while driving
heres the hole from the inside, going to get it welded shut
and heres a thing that bothers me the most, there is a part of that magnet missing, and i can’t find it anywhere
hopefully it has just dissovled, there are noe marks on the gears, should i get a new magnet, or just reinstall this one and smile and be happy?Housey
Participantso, this sux… i have to split the transmission
there is a hole in the transmission that on of the PO’s have epoxy’ed shut.. and i was going to remove this little blob of epoxy.. and what happens.. well. the blob disappeared INTO the ****ing tranny.. so. now i have to split it, to get it out, since i’m not able to get it out from the hole.. so i might aswell split it. and have the hole professionally tig welded.. if possible, don’t have to look great, but has to be leakfree..
so, thats my christmaspresent to myself… splitting the ****ing tranny
Participantwell, since there was no alcohol for me today, I decided to go to the garage and do something useful
so I’ve reassembled the front subframe, seems to me that it will actually work with the passat control arms and golf swaybar
so that is good, and since the passat control arms are a bit wider, I don’t need to shorten the driveshafts
so its soon getting ready to put the PG engine in
just need to change the cambelt first (which I guess will be a PITA, because of all the pulleys on the G60)
hopefully I’ll get the pulleys off tomorrow with not major hassle
we’ll see
ParticipantDid some measuring on the front subframe today
Control arms side by side
The golf Control arms are 390mm long
The passat control arms are 415mm long
The Golf swaybar is 1130mm long
The passat swaybar is 1145mm long
So, it seems to me that using the passat controlarms with golf subframe and swaybar should work
the passat swaybar won’t fit
total width of subframe with the golf control arms is 1350mmish
total width of subframe with the passat control arms is 1385mmish
Participantwell, took the K-frame from the golf of, just to clean it up, mount the passat servo unit and passat control-arms..
mounted it back together yesterday, but forgot to fit the swaybar (stupid me)
so, today, i was going to do this, mount the swaybar from the passat, but, that just does not fit, there is no way its going to fit using the Golf Frame and Passat arms. and the Golf swaybar wont fit with the passat arms..
so. what are people doing when they make the golf widetrack at the front?
heres some pics i took (i didn’t measure the passat vs the golf arms in lenght, but its obvious that the passat frame is wider)
heres the golf k-frame, with golf swaybar and passat controlarm and steering rack
and heres the kframe with the passat swaybar, as you can see, it just CAN’T fit
heres a closeup of on of the sides when the passat swaybar is on
heres the golf swaybar with passat control arm, does not line up, even tho that eye-bushing-tingy broke when i took it of the golf arms
Participantstarted something really boring today, cleaning the enginebay
didn’t finish, because i got bored. but, i’ll finish it one day
some pics too, one before and one after todays little work
Participantengine is finally out
needs a lot of cleaning, and some rust-removing under the battery. and then the modifications for the new transmission with hydraulic clutch assembly
heres the old sucker, no one actually knows how far its been driven, but somwhere between 250 000 and 400 000km. but thats just a guess
i’ve also ordered a new cambelt and tensioner for the G60 engine
better to be safe then sorry i guess
Participantso, been doing some more work today
took the dash out preparing for a heatercore replacement (and making it easier to run the wires for the conversion)
anyhow, lets start with some pics of my garage (pretty messy one too)
this is “my” corner
and here is the corner for two of my friends who i share this garage with
and a small pic of the enginebay, which needs a good cleaning
heres the complete engine wiring harness for the 1P engine, totaly uncut and in good condition
and last photo of the day, interior carnage
ParticipantA really short day today, too tired from all the working these days
but, I managed to get the main engine harness out
crappy job tho. cut myself when I pushed open the rubber seal though the body as well
Participantdid some more today, not much tho, only took out the abs unit
not too much job
started the evening by emptying the brake reservoir using my good friend, the vakuum driven brake bleeder
(genious tool)
when the reservoir was just about empty (can’t empty all if it it seems). then i removed the 3 nuts that secure the bracket for the abs unit (3 13mm from the inside of the car)
when that was done, i took the brake lines of (3 in total)
and then just pulled it out
oh yeah, and started to strip some of the interior too, need to remove the seats and the carpet, makes it soo much easier to run wires
heres the old abs unit
Participantoh yeah, theres a ****load of pics here:
many which is not posted
but for your enjoyment, here they are
Participanti’m in the thinkig corner, wondering if i’m going to remove the abs completly. 9″ booster with sharan master cyl