Forum Replies Created
Participantwell. going to have to look into that one
sick of being UNDER my damn car now :p
Participantwhere would i fasten it?. just ziptieing them together would not help
anyhow. the prop-shaft is back on, as is the left CVaxle
Participanti’m starting to wonder if i should change my gear-wires..
the ones i’ve got from the passat is a bit too long. and was checking etka. and there are som different partnumbers for the wires
3A0 711 265
3A0 711 266golf G60
1H0 711 266
1H0 711 265the wires i’ve got now is touching both the doughnut and propshaft. grinding the plactic covering down. so it won’t last long
Participantyep. i just had to get the flange a little bit less then a mm further in
all is well now
angle drive is remounted. need to reconnect the prop-shaft and front CVs now
ParticipantIts official now….
i hate prop-shafts …
the steering rack has little clearance to the dough-nut
and the exhaust is in the way. ohwell. i’ll probably get it fixed by this weekend. and when i’ve done that, the car can be lowered back onto its feets
for the first time in a long time
Participanthmm. just might have found out how it should sit
anyhow. need to get myself a new circlip now then. the one i got in the oilseal set (oilseal, flange seal and new circlip) sucked
it should be springy. but its notHousey
Participantall bolts if that is possible ?
and i don’t know what you are talking about at all now chrissy
Participantthe axles are more or less finished, only one joint left to be cleaned and regreased now
got the angledrive out today aswell. changing the O-rings between the transmission and the angledrive itself
decided to change the oil-seal on the flange aswell, and the big o-ring on the outer end, cheap parts. and smart to do when its out
Participantthe “new” axles from rallye that i bought from Vegard came today
so they will be cleaned and regreased and all new boots on them too
and the north-viking brake ducts came also
looks good
Participanthi there
please do make a project thread. and update frequently if you can
i love these threads. and get so much inspiration from others
get yourself a syncro. and enjoy
its fun, its addictive. its syncrosis
Participantlooks to me like the inner race of the bearing is severly worn. and let go the hub.. well. a new bearing, and a new hub, and you are on your way
probable reason is too much or too little torque on the centre bolt
should be 265nm dry. any less. or over. and you’ll ruin your bearing
Participantwell, i have ordered a new oilpan gasket, headgasket, new outer swaybar bushing kits. and the new axles should arrive shortly. and i’ve fitted the new controlarms and new inner tie rods (got a real good price on 2x lemforder controlarms. about 25€ a pop)
so. almost everything is now new in the front suspension
Participantwe’ll see
Participanti found the gasked on for about 20bucks plus shipping
but, when running the baffle gasket. will i have to remove the original baffle?