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10w40 is what i’m running, which is what is reccomended for the G60
HouseyParticipantwell. its not the oilpump, thats for sure
hooked my gauge up to the head. have (on idle) about 4.7bar pressure on cold engine. 1.5ish on warm
on 2000rpm i’ve got about 2.5bar when warm
taking the valvecover off tomorrow. just need to get some headache tablets first, i usually get a severe headache when doing these things (oil/gasoline fumes)
HouseyParticipantthat is my biggest fear. unsure on HOW to fix this, but i’ll probably find a way during today
HouseyParticipantlifters was installed summer of 2010. engine has been rotated since then, releasing the oil
and the lifters was pre-primed (INA lifters)
does not stop ticking when engine is hot btw. still ticks
HouseyParticipantwell. got the car fired up here the other day, no ill sounds other then a loud ticking from my lifters (brand new ina lifters, not even driven 1 mile yet)
so. i guess this is because of a constriceted oilway. since this happend the last time i was out driving the car (june/july 2010). tought it was the lifters, so replaced them. but since the new ones are acting the same way, i can only be two things
insifficent oil pressure (going to hook up my oil pres gauge tomorrow)
constricted oilways. a bit more unsure how to fix this, but some compressed air and some steel wire should do the trickgetting close now
hopefully i’ll do a test drive during the next week
HouseyParticipantcar is back on its feet, g-charger is on the workbench finished. need to reinstall it, then start the engine, and go for a test drive
this is going to be fun
HouseyParticipantgets longer and longer between the updates. but that does not mean nothing is happening
slowly getting there now. a bit more portwork to one of my g-chargers, and a bit other things, and theres time for some test driving
HouseyParticipantdifference is the thickness
i believe that the rallye is 20mm front arb, vs the 18mm stock syncro one
which also leads me to beleve that the front is the same as any other G60 golfs out there
HouseyParticipantsoo.. i now have 3 g-chagers one who is in holland with pascal. and two at my garage. one jabbasport charger, and one stock
heres the jabbasport charger outlet casing (freshly cleaned)
HouseyParticipanthave you checked the relay which is located in the centre console?
take off the console, find the relay, and check if it ticks when you select reverse and ticks of again when you put it in first
HouseyParticipantthe load balancing valve wich is connected via a spring to the swaybar there are a hole in the cast of it, then on the lever, use a zip-tipe and pull it tight
HouseyParticipantthe rears are dead easy to bleed
turn on ignition, have a friend depress the brake pedal about 2cm, until the abs pump starts. then open bleed scew, it will bleed out QUICK. and remember to let the abs pump rest a bit until you do the other side
should not run more then max 60seconds, or it will overheat and fail
oh, and remember to open the valve underneath the car. or else you won’t get it fully bled
the front can be bled as you usually would do. either by having someone depressing the brake, and do it manually, or use a vacuum operated power-bleeder (which i do)
HouseyParticipantslow and steady
new motormount is on now. rear is finished. just need new vacuumlines to the diff
whats left now is to torque the centre bolt on the crankshaft, then reassamble the toothed belt. slap on a charger and try it out
HouseyParticipantall brakelines are now finished.. almost, i’ve got ONE leak by the rear bias valve oh well. sucks. but it was the only one so i’m happy, considering i’ve made all the lines myself
HouseyParticipantit looks just the same as the regular syncro one i reused the stock one from my 1P syncro engine to my PG engine from the passat