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Membergot the fuel lift pump re-built last weekend to use the gti tank-fitting, so the gti wiring stays all nice and OEM. Had to do a bit of destructive editing of the syncro pump but seems solid enough afterwards so hopefully all good.
MemberOnly minor update but still – progress
The GTI got picked up and now there’s acres of spare drivespace – great for working on the other golfs. Last weekend I installed the wiring and relay for the in-tank pump and whatnot, and cleared up the wiring confusion at that end too. Turns out I need to rebuild the lift pump again but this time with a gti (3-pin) cap/lid on it rather than the 2-pin one to fit the syncro loom. That way it should all stay oem and no bodgery at all.
Then will need to drop the fuel tank down and figure out the path for the fuel hoses to and from the lift pump. Still seems like lots of tiny little steps but it feels good to actually be making progress on the syncro again so am still pretty happy. Got lots going on in my life still atm so not getting oodels of time to work on it but grabbing a few hours here and there where I can. Looking forward to getting this puppy running at last!!
MemberOk well the gti is now stripped bare and booked in for collection. Need to take a pic as it goes really but there’s really just a rolling shell left. All the wiring and bits and bobs are out and packed into a trailer and the syncro’s been moved into the main working position under the car port so I can get back to work on it in earnest o/
I’d planned to work on the two side-by-side so I could compare notes but really the fuel system thing seems to be just a question of 3 wires and a relay and there wasn’t really much left of the gti to compare with. Looking forward to getting back on with the syncro!
MemberAlexisblades posted this to help with my relay problems – might be useful for you:
Memberaha ok – damn…I will have to investigate that. I guess it doesn’t have the second cubby on the syncro does it and that’s where the switches would go. hmm. Back to the drawing board lol
Memberaren’t the consoles the same, just the centre panel swaps out with the cubby hole? I admit I haven’t really checked but I was hoping to transfer the elec windows from my gti to my syncro hence asking.
Memberthanks for that link alexisblades – have ordered, hopefully here for the weekend. Thanks for the relay info too. Hopefully the relay there will be ideal since it’s from the exact same setup as I’m installing in the syncro. It primes but never got to find out whether it had an rpm limiter so don’t see that as a huge problem. Will have to take it steady with the syncro anyhow since it’s still on a rod-shift box atm.
So basically it looks like I’ve oly really got to confirm whether the fuel level sender on my syncro is in fact the violet/black wire as it looks like it should be in the fusebox, and figure out what the hell has gone on at the fuel-pump end. I might even re-make the lift-pump thing with more OEM-style wiring if appropriate.
Memberhmm studying the diagrams and pics a bit more I think I need to take the blue relay “67” from the first pic and put it in the place of the relay marked “1” in the second pic.
Memberlol! reliant syncro
MemberOk – finally gone through and processed the pics from work last weekend. Comments are added in the pics.
On reflection actually at the fusebox end the wires all look to be the right colours, I wonder if i’ve messed with the wiring at the fuel-pump end though. Further investigation is needed.
It looks like basically what I need to know is:
1) which relay is for the fuel pump and where it should go
2) whether the violet/black cable in the syncro fusebox is actually the correct pin for the level sender
3) what the hell’s going on at the fuel-pump end with the lift-pump wiring.
4) “If you get a proper automotive connector remover tool” << any ideas on what/where to get one?Ideally I reckon I’ll try and plumb in the gti wires alongside the regular loom so that the wiring is all OEM apart from the last bit for the lift-pump. Then I *think* we should be good to go which would be awesome!
Memberthanks that’s very useful and sounds very promising too!
There basically seem to be 3 wires in play for the fuel pump + sender… a red, a brown and a violet/black. The brown went to earth, the red went to one of the bigger holes in the plug which as you say is empty on the syncro. The fuel level sender wire was either a different colour ont he synro or in a different place but I haven’t established that for sure yet.
Were you able to put the fuel pump relay in the same place as on the gti so it does the correct startup sequence… run a sec, then pause till ignition etc? Any details you can give in this area are welcome so I can cross-check the info I have.
I don’t have the green haynes manual – mine’s red so if you’ve got scans please either post them or email me at and that would be much appreciated
I’m also merging from an 87 gti (kjet) into an 89 syncro so hopefully our experiences will be very similar. I’ve already got a working lift-pump mashup in place so hopefully that side of it should be no problem at least.
MemberHi, Welcome to the site… Good luck with your Rallye
Memberwell I guess we’ll have to see what the wiring looks like on them and take it from there…
Memberhmm so I guess I might need to find the pinouts for a gti-type syncro then to find the right place to put the fuel pump relay and where to add the pins. There were LHD syncro GTIs weren’t there but what fuelling system did they use? Though I guess perhaps the fuel pump wiring would matter whatever the injection system.
Memberi mean the sender wire seemed to be in a different place on the plug which goes intot he fusebox – but I need to double check the colours and make sure I got that right.