Forum Replies Created
Memberbtw I have a better long term solution for the email lined up for the test forum, works very well on my other sites, I was just waiting from the account to get approved. will sort that after xmas so the test forum email stuff works properly.
Memberyou should have got an email, but that would only have worked if you had been getting emails from here (which I thought you were). Drop me an email at and I’ll send you the login.
Memberhave replied with a PM with login details…
Memberpretty decent progress today.
Basically I was able to test-fit the whole fuel system, which I think I now have all the bits for. This was with tank and pump outside the car but all connected up as it should be.
I’m still missing a few small fuel hose clips to lock everything in place properly for use under pressure, but basically it all fitted together and looked sorta like it should, albeit a couple of feet displaced from where it’s all supposed to sit.
I did actually put a battery in to see what happened and both fuel pumps started whirring as soon as the battery was connected. Nothing happens/changes when I turn the key though so the electrical side of things still needs a bit of work, but at least it sounds like the pumps work.
The plan is to get the pipework all nice and solid and then get a friend over who was the person who switched the engine loom from GU to KR, so hopefully he’ll have more of an idea what’s going on with the electrics (i have 0% clue there). That *may* be all that’s standing between me and the engine running though, which is really quite exciting!
The syncro might actually live again o/
*and see how quickly I get the bodywork finished once she runs hehe.. motivation factor 100000%
Memberlol well there is that connection i guess
..and it would probs help if I include the url:
Memberoh right that’s a bit fancier lol
thought as much. It’s never simple with a syncro
MemberI presume the county sunroof is different from the normal golf ones then? I only ask because I have a whole spare sunroof assembly off my old gti sat here in the trailer. Drop me a message if it’s any use
*btw I’m currently without etka, otherwise I’d have checked.
Membero/ glad to be getting oily again, pissing rain an’ all
Membertoday was finding & fitting injectors and hooking up the lines to the metering head. That end is actually looking relatively complete now I think.
Next task seems to be to figure out which of the fuel pressure pumps works best (or at all) and see about connecting up that end.
I think I’m going to be using a bucket as my “test fuel cell” to save me having to muck about with the real fuel tank (which is not in the car atm anyway).
I should have all the fuel lines I need since i pulled everything off my old KR gti before I scrapped it, but I don’t really have any clue how it goes together so it’s going to be a case of trial and error, and see where the petrol squirts out when I switch it on
Fire extinguisher will be very close by
MemberSo, at long last I got to do a bit more on the syncro today o/ (2 years on haha)
It’s only a bit and naturally december is THE best time to embark on car tinkering (outside) but hey, I’ll take what I can get
Status seems to be that pretty much everything but the fuelling is in, fuel (lift) pump is wired in and hummed (at last check), though it didn’t shut off like it should, though there was no fuel in so I guess it would never get to pressure and hence stop, so that might be not as much of a problem as it appears. There are a *lot* of loose wires too.
Pressure pump and the related hoses is what I’m trying to figure currently. Inspired by Roadkill on youtube I’m not worrying about laying the new fuel lines properly for the moment, currently they’re going round the outside of the carwhich is fine for testing
Today was basically trying to figure out where I was up to, finding the fuel lines, getting them hooked up to the metering head, and I dug out the fuel (pressure) pump from my old 16v and a bit of potentially useful related gubbins from the trailer too.
There’s potentially a plan forming for this car, I just need to get it running.
I now also have pretty much the ideal car to tow the syncro on a trailer if needed so it wouldn’t necessarily even need to stay road legal
MemberAnd (a belated) one from me
Memberwow that’s quick!
Memberah ok, fair enough. I mean I’m happy to wrap them in a tarp and put them under the carport but that’s literally all the space available atm. Due to have a bit of a clearout, am tripping over all sorts of golf engines
Memberok no probs. You mentioned southport..what’s there?
MemberI’ve checked my calendar and as far as I can tell I’ll be passing by your way on the way back home on the afternoon of the friday 30th May. I finish work late the night before and I have to be back home working on the friday night so my timing is led by that. There’s a chance I might be coming back on the sat instead of the sun, but it depends on work.
I’m passing through so can pick them up from wherever round there pretty much.
Chris – I don’t really have anywhere to store them than under the carport, but it’s open and not exactly weatherproof – do you have an idea how they progress on the next leg of their journey?