› Forums › General chat › Site finances
Can we not have a forum to list the contributers, to say thank you to them? obviously just the names and not the amounts, or maybe listed with a total amount of all contributions?
I second Chris’ request. A list of contributors and the total $$ acummulated to date would be nice to see.
If we actually collect more funds than needed to cover operating costs, then we could direct the extra funds towards developing new features etc. Perhaps some T-shirts?[][
Oh Oh not T-Shirts! [:0] please not again! [] runs a hides from the nasty (not you Les) men [}
btw I have E-mailed you the reasons why we shouldnt do them.
I recall the reasons from the first attempt! Just thought I’d stir the pot a bit.[]
I’ve had a think about this and whilst I think it’ll need to be one or the other – list of contributors OR running total. If you have both we might as well post exactly who posted what since you can deduce one from the other over time and I don’t think that would serve any good purpose.
Perhaps we can have a special forum and anyone who has contributed can post to say so – then it’s up to them… personally I wouldn’t want my info disclosed if I had donated but maybe that’s just me.
As far as I’m aware the aim of this whole finances thing isn’t to introduce new elements of competition as to who gave what but also more importantly not to create more admin, but to hopefully lighten the load of running costs a bit and if there’s some left over then there’s time/money to develop the site further.
I email each of the contributors to say thanks too but tbh I’d leave it at that – surely that the site continues to run as hassle-freely as possible is the point?
For example I could probably have fixed the remaining duff pics links in the time it’s taken to word this and the last post, both of which are threads which only exist because of the discussion about financing the site – *nothing to do with syncros*.
This was one of my initial concerns re even discussing the financing of the site in the first place when it’s been floated as an idea in the past since it could very quickly get to the point where I’d pay the hosting fees just to not have to answer questions about the ins and outs of running of it (because I’d rather be working on my syncro) – which was basically how it’s been run so far.
The reason I went along with it was that firstly my work has changed a lot over the last year or so and whilst I’m much happier in my work, I don’t earn anywhere near as much as I did so the running costs of the site are more relevant, plus now it’s on it’s own server which compounds the previous but primarily if it did work and coster were covered and then some, it might mean we actually have some working capital/time to progress the site further whcih might be its best chance to evolve, since none of us seem to particularly have oodles of spare time to give to it so far.
However, this is not design by comittee and my jury is still out on whether we’ve done the right thing…That said, it has been very nice to see that people actually do care enough about the site to contribute.
With your comments in mind, I think the only way to safely display this site’s financial contributions would be with a bar graph(thermometer)and no financial figures, just a percentage value. This way we know how close we are to our goal, but nobody will know the exact amount of funding recieved or required, or who contributed. Of course this would require a bit of LD50’s time to monitor and display the data, but the graph could be displayed beside the contibution button.
That said, I too would rather be tinkering on my syncro, so off I go to the garage with a smile on my face []
I’ll have to have a play with excel or something which makes graphs and see what I come up with…
The nice thing about this site is how focused and helpful it is. Also because members rarely meet there’s not much cliqueiness, which is good, too.
Mostly my donation will be waiting for the start of next month – bit of a big month this one!
For reference (and in lieu of a bar graph) we’ve had about £45 so far which is already very helpful – so thanks again to all
i would rather pay a few pounds each year to keep the site going, but as an incentive to also provide discounts to members. The only prob is getting these discounts to be different from the norm as just about most places will provide discounts to most clubs/forums/ Even CGTI is only £10 per annum but offers nothing different from other clubs etc
yep – agreed, but then the issue is how does it work with our members the other side of the pond – why should they pay (at a harsh exchange rate) to get a discount on clubgti in the uk or get a discount from uk insurance suppliers. And to then start negotiating worldwide discounts on things is also straying from the point slightly and creates extra admin.
Throughout all of this I think it’s fair to assume we’d all rather be working on our syncros than phoning insurance companies – and actually that’s what this site was supposed to help with…which it does
Hence we ended up just doing “donate if you like – it is what it is”…
I think that if local members have the chance to gain from discounts, then lets work to give them the opportunity to access them. Long distance members from across the pond should know that they won’t be entitled to every advantage. Afterall, this site’s address does have “UK” in it, and the majority of the members are from the UK and surrounding countries.
I’m sure that most of our members have noticed how most of the big VW oriented US sites focus mostly on US members. Even a Canadian neighbour isn’t able to take advantage of all the “deals” advertised on the US sites.
The internet has given us the world to explore, but we must keep in mind that there are still some limitations!
The main point here is that if a member values the contents of the site he/she frequents, then he/she will continue to visit that site. That same member will most likely be willing to make a contribution towards keeping that site functional. I doubt that there are many members that just join for the discounts made available to them.
also true – and I guess it doesn’t necessarily hasve to be perfect first time…just *some8 discounts owuld already be good I guess
ok, ive read this thread more thoroughly now. I think a members only section wouldnt be a bad idea for a small contribution, but seeeing cgti’s section you do wonder at the point of it a bit as nothing much happens there, so what about this
a one off fee or annual to have access to a greater reference section of brochures, pics, articles etc and other things of interest. There is no segregation of the site as the forum will still be the forum it always has been, yet there will be that oppurtunity to get that little bit more for a nominal fee.
I alone have a substantial collection of the above that i would be happy to contribute (with a little help)
I like the idea of a library of information and publicity. Several people on here know I have the capacity to deliver this, but to be honest, I’d rather have a fantastic resource about Syncros available to all who browse – this will pull people in and hold them to the point where they will be happy to donate, when the question is asked, which it can be annually.
The benefit of the ‘free for all, with an occasional collection’ is the halo effect out into the wider community – we gain reputation and status as a genuine enthusiast’s site, with the best people in the world to ask questions to about Syncros. I know I’ll be happy in the knowledge that I’m part of a community of subject-matter experts who are happy to share knowledge with others, with no demands for cash.
To be honest, with the vehicles we own the biggest benefit to the members is availability of parts through other members – Holmes will have a pair of drum back plates off me – I have no use for them and they’re not mint, but they’ll do him. I’ve had an exhaust manifold off DannyP for not much before (and the rest, bits-wise) I’ve picked up bits for ChrisS from around the UK before and I suspect most members on here will have bought something from ChrisS at some point. Without these contacts we would be buying these parts at much higher prices, or not be able to get hold of them at all – the members of this site are what keeps these cars on the road and that is reward enough to justify putting our hands in our pockets from time to time.
[steps off soapbox]
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