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Participantabout time this thread was bumped for pics Clive!
Participantyes its my daily driver that I use to go to work, the shops, trips out and anything else I need a car for. The Jetta GT is the only other car I have insured and thats far too pretty to drive daily, so the Golf Country gets those duties
Its just been shot for Golf+ too this weekend, so keep your eyes peeled
Im on the hunt for more greenlanes- this is only a short one for a couple of miles, but I do plan on a Fording day out when it gets wetter. Come along!
Participantsaw this at ED38 on saturday and it looked very very good indeed!
Participanti didnt realise that even the standard syncro could tow so much weight!
ParticipantThe longest hunt was for a towbar. As the Country is quite a lardy ol’ girl, it has the towing capacity of 1500kg! So its the only Mk2 you can tow a Mk2 with (legally). The hunt was on for a long long time and only one turned up on, which i lost. These towbars were an optional extra, and the main towbar costs 800 euro! A load of babelfishing and Id found a chap in Hungary who restored these and had a few parts (at a premium) and I chose the VW one at the top for a cost of 325 Euro posted.
The block basically fits into the rear subframe and the towbat itself it quick release and resides in the spare wheel well with the rest of the tools
Now all I need to do is sort the electrics and a towing I will go
Concours competition anyone??
Ive also bought a set of Passat winter wheels and fitted then with Dunlop mud/snow tyres ion 175/65/15. I went narrower to get through the soft mud and this profile is only 2% different to the standard 195/60/15’s
ParticipantNow what do you do in the tallest VW Mk2 Golf??…………Play!
I love splashing through puddles, so it was time to hit some fords
BTW is the place to find your nearest
Somebody will have to show me how to get the youtube icons to work. Anyway heres a few more from today and not as clean this time as I went greenlaning
ParticipantAfter a few false starts and plenty of Babelfish, I managed to find someone who was prepared to send a seat from Europe, and in the end West of Berlin! This was only a passenger seat, but the material was in great condition. An easy sway you say- not so! The syncro tilt adjusters are higher up in the seat due to the higher transmission tunnel. So a quick call to MJ and everything was falling together. All told it cost me £150 to get the seat, ship it and have MJ swap some panels around- by god I love it how mates can sort you out!
Now it was the turn of the bloody great big hole up front. I had 2 bare engines and loads of bits- this was gonna be fun! The aim was to make it for Early Edition and to meet up with Junior for a brew or 2. Over a weekend, Rob and I built up the engine, and hoisted it it and finally had it runny and plumbed in by half 9 at night
Credit where cridit is due for Rob. He is a mechanic by trade and I would have been royally buggered without his help and knowledge
[:y:]Another bonus was it was already MOT’ed, so all I had to do was tax it. BTW a word of warning here. I bought the Country on a SORN, and the stealing gits fined me as I didnt declare a new SORN when I bought it! Barstools!!!!
Off to Early Edition I went and bugger me backwards! Id only been invited into the showground! I did feel a bit guilty as Id fitted my 1552 Snowflakes with a wee bit of stretch as a bit of a micky take. Mind you, I did have the largest tyre to arch gap there, but sadly no prizes (ta for the couple of pics ive pinched from elsewhere)
To be fair, it wasnt the most attrctive combo but it make me giggle- its good to be a bit immature from time to time. A pic of it was even in Ultra VW and PVW
Participantthe easiest job to organise was getting the original wheels refurbished. Id already used Gareth from Wheelshine, so a quick call was made and a deal done. A couple of weeks later and I had them back fitted with the tyres that came with the Country on the 5 spoke wheels
Now the hunt was on for a front seat to repair the badly damaged/ jean patched drivers seat
ParticipantI’ll take one of those heat sheilds please
And posted out to you on 9 Sept
Participanta good mate of mine was clearing out his loft and found his VW matchbox cars he played with as a kid and one of them was a Ruff Rabbit. Its now sat on the center console in the Country
: )re2
Participantcool. Im happy to send you $ for the bolts etc too if you are happy to source them.
ParticipantHo Trev
yeah the paintjob done by Volkskraft did not wear well, despite 6 years or being under cover in a good garage. It just wasnt finished well enough (compared to the Jetta GT), and you could see krazing? in the paint. Complete waste of money really and im mega-miffed about it. It didnt help with Sie ripping the piss out of it either, but it will be back and better than before + I can adjust a few things here and there toore2
Participanthi trev
you arent mixed up at all!
Sounds like a plan batman
: )re2
Participantthe projets isnt dead, but as per usual its dragging its heels. On another point- its not down to neglecting VWs but more down to rebuilding a Golf Country and also finishing off my Jetta GT restoration. When I took the Syncro up to get the paintwork repaired, ity was obvious that the paintwork was more than a bit ****e and needs a complete respray. Not the best news Ive had! Not by a long way! Theres a few points to hammer out but i was lucky enough to buy an electric window syncro center console the other week, so that will join my electric mirrors and sunroof