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Participantgti knock sensor, small amplifyer and headphones . gthat’ll soon tell you if it starts pinking
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Participantold injectors are in plentyfull supply and so if they give up after a reasonable time it’s not going to matter it’s not like you have to buy them ether
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Participantit wouldd give ecelent atomisation and control and it would make for a cute system, very controlable a simpel PWM drive circuit that chould take it’s input from a TPS.
dont quite know what a fuel injector would think of water but there is one way to find out.
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Participantif you stick to injecting water at 25% the rate of petrol your safe, or about 12.5% rate of methanol.
adding a littel helps but once you start adding a lot problems can occur the 16v is a safe enigne to experiment on as it dose tend to go lean up top so will burn all the fuel you add and not leave unburn fuel to trash the bores.
iirc the KR’s injectors flow about 220cc/m when there going flat out. 2.0 16v’s run out of fuel at about 170bhp. so rough guestimation say . if we say a normal heasthy Kr is going to make about 150 bhp and it’ll be getting 195 cc/min per
with 4 cyl enignes working out how much water is easy it’s equal to the flow of one injector. when adding lots of alcohol in larger volumes more thought is needed.
say we take a 2.0 16v with some tweeks that wants to make 200 bhp but the k jet is giveing up at 170, need to make up 30 bhp worth of fuel but for the same volume of air you use roughly twice the volume of meth. so say 220 cc/ min of petrol is makeing 170 bhp thats roughly 1.3cc/min per bhp double that for meth so it’s wanting 2.6 cc/min of meth per horse power
2.6 cc/min hp for 30 hp = 78cc min ( that can be rounded up to 80 to make life easy as it’s all a bit ish anyway ) now with methanol going into the system not as much water is need to hold off detonation and to be on the safe side if your worried about bore washing leave the water injection jet the same size and just adjust the concentation of alcohol in the water it’s injecting.
so you have 4 injectors fireing 220cc min of petrol and a nossel spraying 220 cc of water and meth mix at 36% should see you meeting the fueling needs for 200bhp.
sugest working out your own numbers and verifying the size of the injectors tho as these numbers are very rough gestimation but should give idea of what has to do
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Participantebay there are compnays advertiseing there that will sell you 99.95% in barrels 25’s or 205’s . your makeing bio diesel arnt you
flamablity wise think spiritsthere ethanol whitch is pritty much the same except it’s not toxic like methanol if drunk. 50 % will light but it only just burns really. 40% needs a fair bit of perswation to light and really isn’t that keen on don’t need spectial paperwork to buy methanol transporting 205 ltr barrels is proably a bit iffy but 25’s arnt a problem imo. storage is the iffy one, i would not store 205 ltrs of methanol in my garage or even at home as if the worst happend it’s rather a lot of flamable liquid and the insurance company would not be inpressed i think std houshold poliy allows you store upto 10 lts of petrol in cans. id get 25 ltrs and mix it down imediatly and keep it in the shed away from anythign that may try and light it then it can be considerd safe imo.
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Participantpritty much,
alcohol dosent have to be methanol, and it dosent have to be a strong mix ether meths is the easyest and the cheepest to get hold of in small volumes, not sure if octane booster would mix with water. but water on its own has same effect as octane booster ( by lowering the pre combustion in cylinder tempriture ), the alcohol will boost the octane iirc methanol is the eqivalent to 112 octane
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Participantyes it pritty much all bolts up, problem is the calliper carriers are a bit rare.
will be doing mine on the current car soonish will try get some pics but it’s not the easyest job to do a guide for but the job itself isnt that hard
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Participantfeeding it alcohol is pritty much risk free you just mix it in with the water like screen wash 40% alcohol solution dosent ignite that readaly at the end of the day alcohol is often a magor component of most brands of winter screen wash
. it just bumps the effective otane up and give the motor a littel bit more fuel as well for no extra effort. you can get the alcohol in form of screen wash, methalted sprits ect.
it wants to be prayed in just before the throttel body body, a venturi of some sort would work. but the finer the atomisation the better i wouls say a fuel injector from a gti would be optimal but it would need a 3 bar feed and not sure if water would kill it.
the water itself dosent breack down but under right conditions (pressure and heat) it can help breack down molecular oxigen in the cylinder and grab one of the oxigen atoms, forming h2o2 but the bond holding it together isn’t that strong and when things get a bit warmer it’l jump off to go play burning with the fuel. no oxigen is ganed or water used they just take a littel detour the water needs to be really finaly atomised for this to really work tho. i think fog would be optimal
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Participantleave the fueling allone just add water upto about 25% rate of fuel. ever noticed how keen youor engine feels on a foggy morning has pritty much the same effect but with the bonus you can see where your going. it dosent add masses of power but should notice the differance it also has bigger effect in hotter weather, on some enignes it’s possible to run more ignition advance as well espectaly the older desings of engine.
avoid putting to much more in tho it dosent do anymore just causes problems and mean haveing to carry a lot of water.
a good trick on k jet 16v’s whitch allway seem to run a littel lean when flat out and pink on poor fuel when flat out is to use 50-50 water alcohol and you dont need meany bits to intall it
water resovor = screen wash bottel
pump = window washer pump ( out let to rear screen washer is top favoret)
atomiser normaly nicable from some plant sprayer thing wants to flow 250 ish cc min for water or bit more for water alcohol mix
some 6mm aquarium airline 1 T and a stop valve, bring feed from pump to the T then connect the valve to other port of the T and from the valve run a return to the screenwash resovor. connect atomiser to remaning port of the T. use the valve to adjust flowtrigger pump with WOT switch tho can start from 70% throttel
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Participantnormal motors, they love it. the only reason cars don’t do it from factory is that there are rules about not haveing consumables in emission control equipment or some crap like that. water injection is quite intresting imo as when setup properly the water actauly plays an active part in the combustion prosses. it not only cools the inlet charge but during the compression cycel some of it will grab hold of and breack aprt o2 in the cylinder 2x h20 + 02 = 2x h2o2 this means that when the poowerstroke starts free oxigen is released that hels burn stuff that din’t want to go the first time round, the rest of the water will keep the cyls nice and clean and drop exhgaust gas temps but cyl pressures will go up slightly
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Participantor add more pressure to the intake
. meth isn’t really a practical road fuel i used to like the idea of it but it is proper nasty stuff to handel and you really don’t want a fire as you can’t see the flames and it finds a lot of ways to get itself ignited.
high cr is not doable on a budget sadly it all gets quite involved very quickly. and as for those hydrogen genorators they are a load of crap they only make the engine run smoother as it’s pulling harder against the alternator to generate the electricity used by the “hydrogen genorator” if you actualy power a “hydrogen genorator” off another power sorce and feed the gas to an enigne it has naff all effect.
look at playing with fuel injection that will bring good gains in power economy and reliablity. the other good trick that is proven to work is water injection, add water at about 25% the rate of fuel to the inlet manifold as finely atomised as possible, engine will run cleaner, and more efficently and make a bit more power as well with the rest of the enigne setup to work with it
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Participantbeen there done alternative fuels,
mehanol will give you problems, it is amazing at eating, rotting and desolving stuff, also a tank of fuel dosent last very long. alcohol is best left for cars running efi that way there is no ali for it to eat at and you can buy alcohol proof injectors.
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ParticipantMerlin Motorsport on mail-order will see you right.
Get the stainless clips to strap it down, too. MIG wire’s all very well, but will rot off quickly.
Make sure you wet it before wrapping, wear glves and if it’s under the car make sure you start from the end that means if you go off the road the joints will be presented so the wrap is less keen to be torn off.
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Participantfor our applications heat wrap is heat wrap IMO just buy the cheepest thats not from china
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Participantyou don’t actualy have to swap the enigne, just the cylinder head with inlet manifold and assoiated bumf