800 miles, icy roads, pot holes, towing a trailer 2 weeks and 2 kids in the back.
Yet again my G2 syncro has taken the family on our holidays, and given me another chance to say to the missis (I am not going to by a new new car !)
We left on Christmas night as we had to work during the day so the day wasnt very festive anyway. Hitched up the wee trailer (as we all know the boot will only hold a pair of boots !)and got the kids prepped by surrounding them in blankets and pillows. The roads were so quiet as anyone with abit of sense would be watching sh!t on the TV. All was well and the heater was even keeping us warm until we got south of the Scottish boarder when freezing fog slowed us from 60 to 40mph. One of my Chrimbo presents was a in and outside thermometer which I had fitted earler, this now became the next best thing to look at other than the speedo. Managing to keep the inside temp to a cozy 20deg this soon droped to 16 as we went through what seemed like a drive through deep freezer, the outside temp went from -5 to -13 in 100 yards. Still she ploughed on on the untreated roads without bother, tracking straight and true.
The trip back was better apart from the traffic, going through snow showers but not having the baltic conditions as before.
I know its not a huge milage but considering she’s a carb fed 22 year old, I am so proud of her.[
I was thinking of selling her but I have become quite fond of the old girl. £2200
Happy New Year folks