Forum Replies Created
Member1.8TsyncroB3. hi i have spoken to my scrapyard and he is willing to speak to you about shipping the part you need iam going to hopefully arrange the removal for saturday so if you give me your details name phone number email and address, ill pass it onto him then if thats ok. soory i couldnt be more help i just dont have the time, space or equiptment.
Memberhow much are you looking at spending, the more you give me the more you get [
Memberi would say a faulty thermostat also is the car actually overheating or does the dial just say it is, i only ask as weve had problems before where a non genuine thermostat and temp sender had been fitted and it was giving out the wrong signals thus the car thinking it was overheating when it wasn’t. my syncro at the moment does the same in which the temp dial shows going into the red, the warning light comes on at the same time as the fan cuts in, strange but nothing to worry about, ill just change it when i get a chance.btw my sender is non genuine.[
Memberfree to collector if thats whats putting people off.
Memberextension of one week if not then iam afraid its off to the scrappers and yes it is 4 dr. regards
Memberlowloader or trailer? whereabouts are you?
Memberit does roll on the front wheels just not the back but with some help we can lift and drag the back if that helps, i dont really want it cut up at my place my missus will kill me its already been in our garage for a year now and is losing patience so it all has to go. how did you say you were going to transport it. are you able to do it this weekend. also if its easier could any moneys be sent to chris as iam buying a carb off him so it would help me out aswell?
Memberalso comes with the fuel tank.
Memberlong story short is that i bent them slightly but at the risk of things going wrong later id rather just replace them instead of bending them back. i will speak to a friend about using his paypal then ill take those off your hands, ill send you my address later regards daz
Memberchris has a crossflow head.
Memberhi if its ok with you iam gona see if i get any offers for the whole thing if not then i may consider it trouble is i havent got an angle grinder and i dont know the first thing bout sending that sort of item and i dont have paypal so id have to use a friends. but i will try to help if i can, any suggestions on the above would help.
Memberhi chaz, so what did you want for the back plates or is it just the post i have to pay? are they in good condition?
Memberyour going to do the same as me then?
Memberright guys the engine is out of the shell so the shell is ready for someone with a low loader to come and take it away, it has the front powersteering and front suspension still on so will roll from the front, the rear has nothing, the dash is still there and the drivers seat. if the car isnt gone by the 21/10/07 then it will be going to the scrapers. i want £75 for the shell which is a good price, you also get a tailgate and bonnet if you want it.please let me know asap. regards
Memberill take both i dont have paypal but a friend has so if you u could find out how much to post then ill sort that out for you. thanks regards darren