Forum Replies Created
Memberi will have a look tonight do the fuel lines run under or in the car, so i can check those, i can’t remember.
Membermy objective is to keep the car for life if possible, but with the changing performances of factory cars, i dont want to get left behing by a granny (no offense) in fiesta etc[
!]. my budget is ongoing the time period is to be finished by end of next year. obviously i don’t want to spend £1000’s, but knowing me it’ll get out of hand [
Memberiam looking for a 0-60mh time of about 6-7 seconds is this achievable, i dont want to be passed by some old deer in a saxo or other turd car[8D].
Memberiam in chichester, there was 2 fuel filters but i removed one but it still has the problem. i thought the fuel feed pipe from the tank went to a pump then to a resevoir( all on the front of the engine) then into the carb? if not then what are these other chambers for?
Memberhi i havent changed the airbox everything is standard as far as i know, i did notice that when the car is first started the fuel filter is mostly full of fuel, but after a few minutes this disapears down to a tricle, i was under the impression that it should always be half full is this the case? maybe i have a faulty fuel pump, is this a common fault. i have used a fuel cleaner today thinking it may clean the problem but to no avail. please help[
Memberwill do thanx
Memberhave taken one rear shaft off with out any problems hoorah. thanx for the thread.[
Memberdrove to work this morning and the problem returned although not as bad ok at slow speeds and pull away but put your foot down to go a bit faster and it feels restricted. bloody cars. loosing the will to live.[
Memberhi chris, have found the problem the previous owner in his wisdom decided he would locate the fuel line that goes into the webber, by using an old jubilee clip screwed into the brake servo vacume pipe (the solid black one) hence when i accelerated the pipe would suck in air through this hole and make the car run like poo. but thankyou for your suggestions. regards darren
Memberthats my usual process of elimination.[
] thanks chris
Memberhi chris, wot sort of money would you be looking at for this kind of set-up and what would the availability be. regards darren
Memberhi due to having a spare syncro for parts my other half has told me to get rid of the bodt of the car so i must remove all the running gear and engine, is there any how to’s for removing all the parts.regards darren
Membersorry i always forget to take caps off, my bad thanks for your help.