Forum Replies Created
Memberare they new drums?
Memberi’d be tempted to keep the manifold pre-heater at those temps…
Memberbeaut! cheers chris. i can sleep safely while driving the motorway.
Memberjust make sure you leave the outer cv joints bolted into the front hubs!
Memberat least one!
Memberoh dear, doesn’t bode well for my driving style.
Memberouch. you must be glad there’s a bulkhead! thanks for the advice. i’m only planning on putting a max of 150 bhp through the box, as i’ve read somewhere on here i can probably get away with it. not looking for major power just a more mellow motorway experience. bolting the diff sounds like a good idea though, while it’s in the shed. i think i can get a kit for around £40. so is the transfer box itself fairly tough?
Memberno, our glorious leader put a stop to that when labour came to power in ’97. which is why only pre ’73 cars are tax-free as they were 25 years old in ’97.. we should be able to have tax-free A reg cars this year.
Memberif you’re putting a syncro gearbox on apparently it can foul the block? but i’ve also heard you can grind it back to clear but not sure if that’s a great idea..
Memberi’m about an hour away near redditch. having said that if they’re good what’s an hour each way, compared with hours of peace of mind.
Memberno pics i’m afraid, i was in a rush to get the car back on the road so i had to reassemble it. you’re quite right, i should have had a good look before i paid up. the damaged bit is hidden behind the cv joint and i’ve whacked a load of grease round it to catch any dust so hopefully not too bad. he also managed to damage the driveshaft splines pressing the old bearing out so i had to take the file to the hub. bearings feel ok to drive though. bad feedback for david lees of alcester, warks.
Memberoops just saw that you’re in the netherlands. a bit of a trip then. maybe postage is a better idea!
Memberhi chris, yes that would be great but are you sure? i’m happy to give you a bit more than a beer, you’re doing me a real favour. it might be easier for me to pick up if you’re up for it (depending how close you are etc). i’d probably need the whole prop as i think i read somewhere that the lug diameter on the propshaft flange differs between syncro and rallye models, and it’s the syncro gear i’ve got on at the mo. not the end of the world if you haven’t got it though. cheers, olly.
Memberwicked. definitely up for it, cable changer, propshaft, gearbox/transfer box and rear diff. let me know how much you want for the prop and cable changer.. i sent an email but i don’t think it’s made it. can come and pick up as of next weekend 30/5.
Membersorry couldn’t work out how to do a link in time. i think it was a 1.4 polo motor anyway..