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Memberunless you get hold of a head that’s been reconditioned it’ll probably need the valve guides replacing anyway. have a look on the clubgti website, there’s a good guy on there who did my head, recon plus port and polish for not a huge amount of money. he’ll know how workable the GU head is compared to the PB.
Memberi think i’m going to have a crack at this, by welding some reinforcement plates to the mounts and slotting the holes. if i double the metal thickness it should be strong enough and a can use the same bolts. i’ll post some pics when i get round to doing this, i’m in the middle of welding up a new downpipe at the moment.
Memberif you’re still using the pooberg 2E2 the PB head doesn’t have the coolant channels for operating the warm-up features on the carb. if the carb you’re using doesn’t use these then it’s not an issue. a port and polish combined with a usable fast road cam like a kent gs2h should give you some decent gains no matter which head you use.
Memberi believe the EDL system as fitted to the golf 2 platform worked in conjunction with the ABS system, and involved applying a braking force to the wheel which was slipping, in order to force the diff to provide more torque to the other front wheel.
a limited slip diff still slips, only the slip is limited, depending on the type of diff used. if using a torsen front diff there may still be enough slip in the faster-spinning front wheel to engage the viscous centre diff and provide power to the rear while providing more traction at the front. from my limited knowledge of differentials i don’t think either a viscous or clutch type front diff would allow this until both front wheels were spinning relative to the rears.
Memberthey can be welded up (carefully) but if it’s been welded already it probably won’t take. i’ve heard good things about mig-brazing though.
Memberworth having a phone round to see if anywhere’s got a set in stock? these things aren’t exactly flying off the shelves so you might get lucky.
Membertry powerflex, they do a full range for the syncro/rallye.
Memberif you ask them nicely they might be able to give you the names of some dealers who were on the system as having them in stock. they might not still be there, but it’s worth a try, that’s how i got mine. i think i also saw some on ebay the other day, might be worth looking on too.
Memberyes, i just got the same one. hopefully no-one on here is stupid enough to fall for that old chestnut.
Membergroovy, cheers matt
Memberis it just your gearbox that’s fubar? reason i ask is, i’m after a transfer box, preferably with oilways. if you end up buying an oilwayless setup, and your old transfer box is ok, would you be up for doing a deal?
Memberif you’re willing to split, i could really use the transfer box, providing the splines are in good condition.
have you a list of the parts you have for sale?
cheers, olly.alexisblades
Memberwicked, i’ll keep my eyes peeled for a good ‘un.
Memberthe problem with my transfer box is that the drive splines are very worn. could anyone suggest a replacement transfer box to go on my gearbox (cbc code i think, possibly from passat g60 syncro). shared oilway type gearbox, although not too fussed about this as the oilways are blocked off at the moment.
Memberhi will, my 02a conversion is missing this switch and wiring. i could bodge it but i’d prefer it to be factory.
can you let me know how much you’re after? cheers, olly -