well…hello! Just found this lovely forum and boy am i happy about it!
i,m afraid to say both dub,s in the family are sadly fwd, i know,i know! but this all
about to change. My lovely faithful corrado has been confined to the garage whilst we strip her to a bare shell. poor old dear…but she,l appreciate it in the end!
The plan is thus…lots of power! and i mean inordinate amounts. 6 speed box and the of course all important 4wd!
Now this is where my excitment begins…i stumpled upon your good selves, who..(i’m hoping) can help guide me through the process.
I”m thinking i’ve struck gold at the moment cos the other forums (as much as i love em!) arent a great deal of help. Now you guy,s,well that could be an entirley different story!
I do need parts..rear axle assembly..haldex(a must for the plan!) a suitable way of grafting the diff into the rear assembly ( i beleive there’s a kit someone produces?) box with transfer (prob 4 motion)
well thats my ramble done. prob the most i’l ever put. [
As you can probably tell i’m looking forward to playing on here!!